Midnight Craving

Pregnancy hasn’t really taken a toll on me physically (mentally is another story – I’m a worrier!) The only real symptom I’ve had, aside from a sticky out belly button, is heartburn. I’m averse to taking medicine and indigestion tablets make me feel nauseas. I’ve even lied to my mother in law several times, telling her I’ve taken chewable calcium carbonate just to avoid a lengthy discussion. Basically they make me feel sick and hinder iron absorption, so no thanks. I have found that bananas help as does cold water and smoothies!
Today my midnight craving was a mango, coconut milk, strawberry and banana smoothie sweetened with maple syrup. I added 2 cups mango, 1/2 cup strawberry, 1 banana and 2 cups coconut milk. I then added filtered water as necessary and sweetened to taste. Yummy!



24 Weeks + 4 days!

Pregnancy has been an interesting time for me; filled with challenges, so peculiar, I never thought they’d arise. Questions so seemingly inane no one seemed to be able to answer and emotions so raw that my poor husband often bore the brunt of teary hormonal babbling. I was lucky in that my first trimester wasn’t laced with morning sickness though I did suffer from horrible urinary tract infections that kept me bed bound and miserable. I lost my appetite and experienced severe roundel ligament pain that felt as though my body was literally expanding like the hulk! My diet changed from a whole foods plant based diet to nervously eating whatever I thought the baby needed. I was so desperate to have a healthy child that I sacrificed everything I believed about staying active and eating unprocessed vegetable based meals. In short I became a nervous wreck and everyone just put up with my neurosis and told me to calm down. Looking back on the past 24 weeks, however, I wish there had been more advice on what to eat and drink, which cosmetics were totally safe and where I could find flattering jeans that didn’t cost £200! In this blog I hope to share the last stretch of pregnancy whilst trying to maintain a mainly vegan and sometimes vegetarian diet. I will be as honest as possible and strive to answer the questions I wish someone had told me the answers to.
